#4 - The Mummies of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico
We're not exploring haunted houses tonight, but mummies are equally creepy. And with only 4 more nights to go, what could be more appropriate for our countdown? Vampires, werewolves and mummies, oh my!
These mummified bodies were buried during a cholera epidemic in Mexico in 1833. Well, they weren't mummified bodies when they died. They were just bodies. It took awhile for them to become mummies...like..a LONG while. The cemetery was discovered in the 1860's and the bodies dug up, because the law required loved ones to pay a tax in order to keep the body buried there. About 90% of the bodies were evicted because families couldn't pay. "HEY! you didn't pay the tax! - you get grandma back!" And they would proceed to dump her right then and there on your front porch. "MOM? Grandma's back again!" .....sigh...poor grandma...no final resting place for you! Bodies were being dumped on front porches left and right from 1865 clear through 1958. Grandma, Grandpa and even weird Uncle Ted were told to get their dead asses out. Oh wait, this is Mexico. His name would've been weird Uncle Pablo.
Anyway, the bodies were eventually stored in a building and in 1900, they began to attract attention from tourists. The cemetery workers noticed this and got the great idea of charging people to view the bones and mummies. What an easy way to make a buck! (excuse me, a peso) and they made pesos hand over fist! The building eventually became El Museo De Las Momias. Or "The Mummies Museum" to the lay person....
So if you feel the need to take a break from haunted houses and want to experience something new and different, then these mummies are for you! ...Tell Uncle Pablo I said hello...
They repealed the law in 1958 prohibiting the cemetery workers to dig up any more bodies. What a relief! The townspeople got sick and tired of walking over dead people just to get to their cars, so they could go to work. I also have to say that one part of me finds this sick and twisted, but another part of me finds this absolutely fascinating and I would actually go see them.
Here are some pictures. I refuse to show the children. They're heartbreaking

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