Saturday, May 18, 2013

A funny thing happened on the way to the blog....

                                                       I got lost. 


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Vegas Adventure - episode 4

             Ok, so maybe my sister had the better room, but we had a pretty darn nice pool. Complete with water slide! Ok, so maybe it wasn't the world's greatest water slide, but it was a darn nice water slide! We had a great time and Auntie made the astute observation that we acted like a couple of 5 year olds. Hey! Who says you can't act like a 5 year old while celebrating your 40th birthday! I did make an alarming and distressing discovery while acting like a 5 year old, though. To my horror, it became painfully clear that I am water slide challenged. Auntie would slide gracefully down and land perfectly on her feet. I on the other hand, oh let's can I put it?...did not. Despite all my best efforts to replicate her graceful slides, I somehow became a 10 ton whale. It wasn't pretty. I would land ass first and go straight to the bottom. What the hell? How was this even possible? Boom...ass first and down she goes....sigh....I displayed non stellar water slide skills....Ok, so maybe I looked like the 40 year old 10 ton whale going down, but it was darn fun! And I am pleased to report that no whales or 40 year olds were harmed during the posting of this blog entry. 

                           as you can see from the photo, the weather was perfect! such a beautiful day! however the temperature of the water was close to that of the arctic ocean. I think we even saw some chunks of ice float by. I also want to acknowledge the group of girls that I'm sure were delighted to no end to watch a couple of old ladies go down a water slide. They even encouraged us to try different ways. stomach, backwards, feet first, head first. They loved it! Thank you ladies for not laughing hysterically at us...becoming the 10 ton whale was enough of a bruise to my ego as it was....this ass is for you! boom..and down she goes....again....