Thursday, February 7, 2013

the vegas un-birthday party

           So I'm fixin' to turn 40 here in just a couple of months and I am NOT happy about it. To combat this dreadful event, I came up with a brilliant  fool-proof plan. "I know! I'm going to plan a  girls week end get away to fabulous las vegas for an un-birthday party to NOT celebrate my birthday!" I said to myself. What could possibly go wrong? I will tell you...

               1. My aunt became a big taker over person and decided she must stake her claim in the un-birthday week end as well. Never mind the fact that her birthday was in December. She would not be denied her share of the attention. So being the kind, gracious and wonderful niece I am, I warmly and enthusiastically offered  her a percentage of my festivities. She was most grateful and is now humbly indebted to me....forever...

              2. My dad became a big invited himself person. This was intended as a GIRLS week end get away. I guess He didn't want to be left home alone and seeing as he did play a minor role in my birthday, and being the kind, gracious and wonderful daughter I am, I warmly and enthusiastically invited him to join us. He was most grateful and is now humbly indebted to me....forever...

           3. Unbeknownst to me, planning a big (family) week end get away to fabulous las vegas for an un-birthday party to NOT celebrate (our) birthdays is a major undertaking. It requires months of research and development and countless hours of hard work.Sending Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the moon took less time (space reference) The great wall of china was conceived and constructed with far less discussion and far fewer people involved. In short, it will take a miracle to get this thing off the ground......much like the very first space shuttle (another space reference) 

                                       No need for alarm. As of right now, the plans for the big week end get away seem to be coming along nicely. I know you were worried for me. And if all goes well, we should be attending the always stellar "thunder from down under". This will make all the months of careful and meticulous work worth it. ....and we're going to have fun, damn it! 

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