Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I'm not dead yet!

    No, I'm not dead yet! So yes, I'm still here. I realize you've been alarmed by my absence. Let me start off by telling you what  DIDN'T happen to me.

             1. I am not dead in a ditch. I don't know where this ditch is or why my mother always thinks I'm going to end up dead in one..I would kinda like to know where it is just so I can avoid it.
             2. I was not kidnapped by aliens. That's just stupid. Kidnapped by zombies, yes....but not aliens. 

             3. I was not killed in the battles of Gettysburg or Antietam. I've been watching the Ken Burns Civil War series and the PBS American Experience "A House Divided". So this was a real possibility. I didn't get shot and no limbs were lost. What a relief!

          4. I didn't go down with the Titanic. Along with the civil war, I am fascinated by Titanic lore. I've been watching documentaries and reading up, so I know how it ends. Crisis averted! I didn't get on the ship....

          Now that you know what hasn't happened to me, I will tell you what I have been busy doing. I've been getting my ass handed to me by a 10 year old henchman. Why he likes beating me up, I don't know.  I've been dealing with an emotional hormonal basket case of a 13 year old. The joy. I've been exchanging snarky comments with a 15 year old. Now that's always fun! And of course there's doctors and dentists, running here, driving there. And just all around exuding's what I do....

                           ok, I lied. I've actually been busy exuding my indifference. You may recall my earlier entry. I've been lying around the couch watching tv. I do glance over at my laptop every so often and go: "You really need to get on there and update the blog"....and then I go:..."meh...whatever." ....I'm still awesome, though. I'd never lie about that....

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