Monday, October 13, 2014

Wal Mart....the portal to hell...

            Every year at this time, we get a new movie to add to our horror collection. It's been a tradition for us to watch a scary movie each night to celebrate halloween. We love it. This year's selection was "The Conjuring". I had to have it. Well, No problem. Easy to find. I'll just pop over to wal mart and grab a copy. Huh. This store doesn't have it. No problem. I'm sure another store has one. I'll just call and have them hold one for me. Huh. Ok, don't panic. With all the wal marts around here, I know I can find it. Still no problem. Huh. This is bizarre. Did every person in the free world have to have the exact same movie I did at the exact same time I was trying to get it? just as I was about to give up, I called one last store. YAY! They have it! We drop what we're doing to go to the wal mart on the other side of town and use up our gas. Because wal mart is the portal to hell, you know how this ends. They don't have it. 2 hours, a tank of gas and 17 bad words later, this movie is STILL not in my possession. stupid wal mart wankers...bear in mind, this is also the same place that schedules only 3 people to work at any given time. You get 4 people on Saturday and when it's super busy. But one of them doesn't speak any english and hides in the back somewhere, and the other guy is riding around on that big floor ice rink cleaning machine. So that leaves 2 people who may or may not be minding the registers. But we put up with it because they're cheap. When you're poor, cheap is good.....sigh....
                                                                          Wal mart - 
       One person selling cheap crap you need since 1962. Thank you for shopping with us....

                                          I know you're wondering if I ever got my movie. Yes. yes I did. Found it at Target with no problem. Ordered it online and they had it at the store ready for me to pick up. That'll learn me. Thank you target, for not being wankers....

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