Thursday, July 10, 2014

I have a good excuse now...the death of my stuff..

                 Remember how I said I couldn't come up with a good reason for being a bad blogger person? Well, I've got a good excuse now. It's summer and I'm in a really crappy mood. I barely have the energy to lay on the couch in front of the tv and do nothing. Being perky is just too much work. Never mind having to come up with witty and insightful blog posts to entertain and inform you people. But this isn't my excuse. Although it is a good one. 
            Everything in my house decided to die this week. First it was my car.It blew a hose and became overheated and cranky. Apparently it hates summer, too. And then it was my favorite little portable speaker I use with my nook. Dead. And because everything comes in 3's, the next to go was my chromebook. It no longer wanted to live. I loved that little laptop....sigh...
super big bummer. If I had houseplants, they would've committed suicide this week, too. I'm surprised my fake ones are still alive. Anyway, my point being that since my laptop died, it prevented me from being a successful blogger person.
Do you not have other computerish-like devices?  yes...yes, I do. 
A phone?  yes. 
You said you have a nook?  yes. 
Surely you must have a nice desktop computer in your room?  yes.
Can you not utilize any one of these methods?     No. 

     And I'll tell you why. None of these computerish-like devices does a blog make. A laptop and a laptop only does a blog make. And no, I don't have to explain. There will be no further questions. Thank you. 


                               If you are reading this most recent entry, you may or may not have noticed that I was able to post it. it can mean only one thing:  

Were you able to procure another laptop?    yes. yes I was. 

                         I thank you for your concern. 

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