Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Africa hot..

           Well, summer has officially started. I hate summer. I mean I REALLY hate summer. You remember that scene in " Biloxi Blues?" The one that went:
    whoa, this is hot...
    This is like Africa hot. 
    Tarzan couldn't take this kind of hot.
    I don't think think I'm gonna be able to stay here if it's gonna be this hot.
    Man, this is hot. 
        Ya....that pretty much sums up how I feel about summer. And it's only the beginning of June. It's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. Stupid summer. I hate summer. And if that wasn't bad enough, all the kids are out of school. It's hot and the kids are home. Stellar....

                                       I hate summer..

                         speaking of hot, this brings us to our next episode of "Adventures in Vegas"..but you'll have to wait. You already got 2 updates tonight. Just pray I don't disappear for another month. 

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